Saturday, 30 April 2011
Another Prop: Deer Skulls
Wednesday, 20 April 2011
2nd of April Titanic Exhibition O2 London

Tuesday, 19 April 2011
Some Props I Borrowed or Purchased
I also purchased a table runner (£3.50). Though it may be too long for the drawing room table it could be used as extra detail pleats in the drapery (with the tassels) or even just appropriate fabric for cushions etc.
Thursday, 14 April 2011
Continuing construction 13th and 14th
Tuesday, 12 April 2011
Our Whatnot Renovation
We used car body filler to cover over the chips and cracks, this was set off by mixing it with a tiny bit of hardner. Once this was dry the next morning we sanded the filler to a smooth finish. Now we had to consider how to paint or finish the cabinet. We tried emulsion paint first but this failed as it was hard to blend the colour into the shiny veneer surface. We washed the paint off and decided that whatever we do the shiny surface had to go. Using a black and decker mouse sander we sanded down the surfaces of the whatnot, fully getting rid of the veneer. The filler was sanded away as much as possible. At this point we had a dilema. We really wanted to keep as much of the original wood graining as possible. We were daunted by the idea of stripping it completely and painting it from scratch using our little experience of wood painting effects. I also believed that as our finished set is for television and not stage the furiture would more likely be natural and not painted with emulsion (unless very skilled in this area of surface replication). This remained our plan B if our other experiments were in vain. Gaining some advice from someone who has worked with a lot of wooden furniture we decided that wood staining was worth a try. But we were advised not to use a wood stainer as it was more watery and would probably not work so well on the veneer, but instead use a wood varnish with a wood dye blended in. In Wickes we purchaced a can of this varnish in a dark oak tone as the mahogony was too red. The varnish was much thicker to apply and it covered
and clung to the surface well. It tinted the areas of filler left and blended it well to the original whatnot colour. Yet it still let you see the mahogany streaks from the veneer through the gloss. The overal glossy finish made the piece look healthy and well care for, it is a beautiful rich colour and certainly looks much better than when we bought it. In total two layers of varnish were applied. The middle MDF shelf I painted with emulsion paints in burnt umber and burnt sienna to achieve the diagonal streaks of mahogony as on the other shelves. Once dried it also had a layer of the wood varnish and was placed in the cabinet. It is fantastic to know the effects of using the varnish are so successful as it avoided us having to completely paint the piece and possibly ruining it, it looks very authentic in its tones and use of the original wood graining. ( photos below of the final piece, middle shelf is the false one of MDF)
Next few days of construction
Sunday, 10 April 2011
Possible Rug
Saturday, 9 April 2011
Fabric for the inlays of the screen
Fabric Examples from C&H
Construction of small props (embroidered picture)
Wednesday, 6 April 2011
Distribution of Construction
Sceen - Sarah/Rob Small Table - Heather/Lauren Chaise Longue - Nichole/Sarah Desk - Nuria/Chloe Desk Chair - Nicola/Kirby Bookshelf - Chloe/Dan Both Rooms Lighting - Rob/Kirby Curtains - Lauren/Nicole Doors - Fiona/Callum Windows - Jenny/Vicky Panelling - Dan Drawing Room Whatnot - buying this Sofa - Rhyan/Vicky Table - Abbie/Nicola Pouffe - Abbie/Steph Comfy Chair - Steph/Heather Cabinet - Nuria/Dan Chimney - Callum/Fiona Rug - Buying or borrowing this