Thursday, 26 May 2011
'Russian Houses' Elizabeth Gynor, Benedikt Taschen Verlag, 1994
'Interior Textiles: Fabrics, Applications, and Historic Styles' Karla J Neilson,John Wiley and Sons, 2007
'Scenic Design and Lighting Techniques: basic guide for Theatre' Chuck B Gloman, Focal Press 2007
'Tim Burton's Corpse Bride' Mark Sailsbury, Newmarket Press, 2005
Wednesday, 25 May 2011
Final Photo shoot and filming

Tuesday, 24 May 2011
24th May finishing the room

Finally before we finished for the night everything was sprayed with fire retardent, a necessary requirement for any set or publicaly viewed theatrical or display piece.
Saturday, 21 May 2011
Psychological Film Review Essay
Psychological Horror in Film
ng, sounds, actors and settings all contribute to the intense portrayals of dark narratives. Many films centre around one character, a protagonist and their families or people closest to them. The events of the film traditionally have a tragic and traumatic result for the protagonist and the audience are left to see the reactions of the friends. Using examples from Brad Anderson’s ‘The Machinist’ (2004), the protagonist Trevor Resnik's physical appearance is one of the first features depicted to the audience, and an element of why the audience becomes disturbed by his story. Actor Christian Bale lost 60 pounds for the role leaving his body practically skeletal. His physical appearance is tragic. Pale and malnourished as if the life is being sucked out of him. Along with the characters tiredness the hollows of his eye leave his face dark and lifeless. A key quote from the film repeated by two female characters close to him is "If you were any thinner you wouldn't exist." As an audience member it is assumed that secretly this is what Resnik wants, to slowly disappear from existence. His overall appearance does display him as a pitiful, tragic character, helping to gain some empathy towards this character which means that viewers become more engrossed in his suffering story. Though Resnik is an example of physical deterioration, he and other protagonists display mental deterioration.
Haunting’ (Robert Wise 1963) characters who through actions of other characters or suspected paranormal activities become mentally manipulated and again the pattern follows that this leads to paranoia and then their eventual complete mental melt down. Jack Torrance on the other hand, played by Jack Nicholson is a perfect example of how the actors mannerisms, facial expression and gesture can enhance the visual intensity and tension of the character’s present state for an audience member. Nicholson takes this psychological thriller and pushes it over the genre boundary into horror. His character becomes frightening and unpredictable, violence is a catalyst for horror, as the tension builds the audience knows that a bloody end is near for someone. ‘The Shining’ is an incredibly intricate metaphor for the breakdown of the human mind. A Freudian Theory can be related to the three family members. Jack, the Father is a symbol of a ‘super ego’ the part of the mind that enforces rules and boundaries. His son Danny is the ‘id’ the untamed section of the mind which wants and desires with no knowledge of rules, and his mother, ‘the ego’ a compromiser between the two. As Jacks mind begins to corrupt the enforcement of the super ego increases threatening the other sections of the mind driving them away. The ego and the Id eventually flee the forceful hand of the enforcer, resulting in his demise. Author Gary Hoppenstand believes Jack Torrence to be “ A weakling who loves others only because he loves himself.” (Hoppenstand:1987:59) This most normal of emotions and metal states, pure selfishness is almost ike the foundations of Jack’s futures melt down, his mind was built on rotten foundations.

‘The Tenant’ (Roman Polanski 1976) Polanski uses a great deal of diegetic sound to enhance protagonist Trelkovsky's isolation and loneliness within this haunting apartment such as dripping taps, the moan of the water pipes and creaking floorboards. O

Horror Film Creating and Marketing Fear by Steffen Hantke 2004, University Press Mississippi, pg 123
The Gothic World of Stephen King: Landscape of Nightmares by Gary HoppenStand, 1987 Bowling Green State University Press pg 59
Death Corner
Panelling and Floor
End of the week (developments with room and furniture)
Thursday, 19 May 2011
Finishing the Chaise and Screen
The screen was at the stage of painting after we had glued the seperate frames together with Evostick (contact adhesive) and clamped the pieces overnight to ensure a firm hold. Instead of creating woodgrain effect (we tried this but stopped because it did not work very well with all the lumps and details of the screen plus there was a lack of paint after other panels and furniture in the two groups rooms.) We wanted the screen to look burnt, dark and a dominant feature of the room. A piece that intimidates and looks engulfed by death and Ivan's fears and nightmares. The base coat was a dark brown (burnt umber). Then using a dry brush and some black paint I picked out areas of definition and shade blending and bleeding the black across, darkening the whole piece, resembling to me the roasted skin of a chestnut, a rich brown, blistered with black burns. Once these layers had dried I used a bronze acrylic applied with my finger to pick out the details and features. Later Rob and I completed the surface effect using French Polish, thickly applied and then Rob splashed droplets of water to the wet polish, this created a water mark with a slight white reaction that immediately aged the surface alluding to mould and stains.
The batwing detail was mounted in the top of the middle panel with araldite adhesive and two screws were then drilled into the back through to the two thicker sections of the hourglass. The next stage was to hinge the panels together. We screwed on the four brass hinges then stood up the screen to see if the weight distribution was equal. Unfortunately we came across many problems. One problem was that the two outer panels of the screen did not bend in enough inward to be able to stand, the wooden routed pieces at the bottom of the panels had to have the corners cut away to allow the screen to bend inward. Using a hack saw Rob took off these corners. Another issue was that the central panel was too top heavy and it leant backwards. We agreed we needed to make the screen rock forward to allow this weight to lean forward on the two outer feet. Using a jigsaw we cut slithers off these two outer feet. Wedges off the bottom now meant the screen could fall forward slightly and lean onto these two outer feet. Now the weight was evenly distributed because the central panel was not leaning backwards. The last thing was to touch up areas of paint that had not covered all the MDF or paper mache. We decided against adding the mirrors for many reasons. Though the mirrors would have been a great feature to the room and another distortion to focus on, real mirror would be very expensive to get cut to the sizes me needed (and breaking it would hae taken longer than we had to convinsingly reassemble) the fake plastic mirror surface that is sold in the store was more like a funhouse mirror it frosted and sratched very easily. Many people in the group said that the fun house effect woud have been good but in the back of my mind was alway the worry that it would just look fake. I figured we have done so well on it so far and I would hate to ruin it with over oing it with mirrors that never look convinsing. Plus the effects of the fabric were loved so much by the group we though it would be a shame to cover it with mirror.