On this last few days running upto the photoshoot and filming, we had limited but vital jobs left to do like laying the floor, patching up the paint work, painting the windows, hanging the drapes and applying pictures and other set dressing.The first job was to add more layers to the death corner. Using a technique shown to us by Henry Jones we used French/button polish and water which resulting in a minor reaction alluded to sticky wet surfaces with scatterings of mould and other corroding spores. By sponging on the polish in thick amounts sometimes encouraging drips but whilst still wet water was immediatly flicked or dripped onto the polish. This turns to foam and drys in a yellow stain but the more water applied, the whiter the stain. This same effect was blended aross the corner of the wall and the panelling as well as the floor behind the feet of the screen. The effect was also mimiced onto the fabric around the hole in the screen. The polish and paint did taint and stain the material but the water marks were not as clear, so using watered down white paint we created the similar drips and stains. The jersey velvet was very difficult to rip and tear convincingly. After much experiment we discovered the easiest ways to part the threads was to closely roughly cut frays with scissors and rip and pry them appart and rub them down with sand paper, below are some photos of our tests and final outcomes. 

Finally before we finished for the night everything was sprayed with fire retardent, a necessary requirement for any set or publicaly viewed theatrical or display piece.
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