Wednesday, 30 March 2011
Concept Drawings
Altered Autocad Floor Plan

Tuesday, 29 March 2011
Model Set and final room layout
furniture there was just no logical place for it.
Corpse Bride concept drawings

Monday, 28 March 2011
The Haunting Review

Friday, 25 March 2011
Final Auto Cad drawings
one to show the view points
one to lable the dimensions
and the last one with the construction instructions
View points


Cardboard Screen
Drawing and testing the screen size
Thursday, 24 March 2011
Auto Cad Drawings
I have made some decisions conserning the design which I thought would help the size of the room. Usually screens stand in a consateena shape so it will pretrude into the room like a zig zag. My screen sits closer into the corner (as behind the screen is not seen then this doesnt really matter) if the screen stands in a U shape into the corner (see aerial design on autocad drawing) this will give us more valuable furnature space. Plus this means the mirrors will be angled towards each section of the room facing Ivan's death sofa.
The highest point of the screen in 6ft tall but the rest purposfully slopes down to a shorter 4ft 7 to fit in with our restricted room area. (Behind the screen I will/ or whoever is constructing it will create a small box on the back with two more legs.) I know screens would not have had this but because it woud not be seen it wont really matter It is purely for stability the other legs will add stability but also removable weights can be added to the box to ensure the screen stands up. Because the weights and the box are removeable this will help with transporting the piece of furnature.
The auto cad drawing (front side and aerial views)

Wednesday, 23 March 2011
Designing the Screen

Some initial rough sketches of designs these will continue to develop. (the sketches are not up to my usual standard as I am recovering from a very horrible stomach virus)
Rear Window Review

Rear Window, Alfred Hitchcock's 1954 psychological thriller accounts the experiences of L.B Jefferies (James Stewert), a magazine photographer wheelchair bound with a broken leg. He begins to start observing his range of diverse neighbours from his window cataloguing their movements and habits. Soon he becomes entanled in a murder case when suspicious actions on the behalf of his neighbour Mr Thorwald lead 'Jeff' to conclude he has murdered his wife and packed her boddy off in a crate.
The film deals with the human reactions to imobility, isolation and bordom. Though Jeff has occasional company from his insurance nurse Stella and also his girlfriend Lisa (Grace Kelly). Jeff even states himself that he has "nothing to do but look at the neighbours". Though the habit of spying starts small it begins to grow as more time passes. Jeff becomes engrosed in the lives of the other tenants because there is nothing to interest him in his own presently. At some places in the movie he becomes physically involved such as a scene where he is watching 'Miss Lonely Hearts' have dinner with an invisible guest, as she holds her glass up to toast her 'guest' Jeff' holds his own wine glass up to respond, even though she is not aware he is watching her.
The film also deals with the differences between the male and female mind when dealing with suspiction. Jeff is stubborn in his judgement. He is determined his suspicians about Thorwald are true where as Lisa begins by finding the middle ground the compramise to assure Jeff that what he saw was indeed strange but there must be a 'logical' explination. Later on Lisa does begin to agree with Jeff and by the end of the film she is even more determined that Jeff to prove Thorwalds guilt (by breaking into his apartment) this could show more of the male dominants to the film how the femal character changes her own initial views to agree with the man. The whole film is a fantastic example of use of 'the male gaze' through use of physical camera shots and levels and how the character of Lisa is portrayed through Jeff's eyes it is portraying the woman as an attractive comodity. (photos below)
Monday, 21 March 2011
2D Auto Cad response to room layout

Next group Meeting : room layout

Review of The Tennant